Checkout Period:

21 days. Returns automatically.


Not needed! You can check out a title even if someone else has it checked out.

Offline Reading:

Yes, through the iOS or Android apps only.

Number of Checkouts: 

5 per month (all Hoopla items (audiobooks, albums, movies, etc) count toward this total). These replenish each month, not when you return an item.

Checkout Period: 

Default is 14 days. This can be changed to 21 days in your account settings. Returns automatically.


10 at a time

Offline Reading: 

Yes! You may download your books to any device.

Number of Checkouts:

10 at a time (all Overdrive items count toward this total). These replenish when an item is returned.

BookFlix is a digital literacy resource that pairs more than 120 animated stories from Weston Woods with a best-selling nonfiction eBook from Scholastic on a similar subject. The fiction and nonfiction pairings are designed to strengthen early literacy skills while exposing young learners to real-world concepts.