Checkout Period:

21 days. Returns automatically.


Not needed! You can check out a title even if someone else has it checked out.

Offline Listening:

Yes, through mobile apps only.

Number of Checkouts: 

5 per month (all Hoopla items (albums, ebooks, movies, etc) count toward this total). An entire album counts as 1 checkout regardless of how many songs are on it. Checkouts replenish each month, not when you return an item.

Streaming Rules:

You can stream anything you check out.

Supported Devices:

iOS, Android, and Kindle Fire HD

Checkout Period:

Infinite! You get to keep the songs you download forever.


Not needed! You can download a song even if someone else is downloading it.

Offline Listening:


Number of Checkouts: 

5 per week. Each song counts as 1 checkout. Checkouts replenish every Monday. In addition, we offer 24 hours a day digital streaming of music.

Supported Devices:

iOS, Android, and Kindle Fire

1735 Oliver Street
Whiting, Indiana 46394
Phone: 219-659-0269
Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri & Sat 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Tuesday 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Closed on Sundays