The library meeting room is available for educational, civic, or cultural programs of 50 persons or less.  All programs must be open to the general public.  No admittance fees may be charged, no collection may be taken and no contributions may be solicited at any meeting, no personal or commercial gain shall be derived from the meeting, nor may orders be taken or property of any kind be sold unless approved by the library director.  The use of the meeting room is subject to the approval of the director and the library board of trustees is the sole arbiter of any questions relating to its use.

The library board shall have the right to waive the regulations without notice whenever it is in the best interest of the library or the community to do so.  The library neither endorses nor advocates the viewpoints of any organization which uses the meeting room. A copy of any press release, handbill, invitation, etc., referencing the Whiting Public Library meeting room must be placed on file with the library.  No press release, announcement, flyer, etc., may state or imply that the group or meeting is sponsored or endorsed by the library unless the group has prior written approval for such action.

While not an inclusive list, the library’s meeting room shall NOT be used for the promotion of political candidates, groups or individuals targeting specific religious affiliations or social movements, social activist groups, public press conferences, purely social gatherings, such as showers etc., or the promotion of confrontational or controversial issues, or financial or investment seminars*. However, established non-partisan organizations which do not endorse individual candidates or parties may conduct political forums provided that all candidates for public office are invited to participate if the event is a candidate’s forum.

*Approved by the Board of Trustees at the Regular Monthly  Meeting, July 14, 2015

Local individuals, organizations, groups, and committees wishing to hold closed meetings for specific purposes ex: training, information gathering, and planning, etc., may be subject to a $20.00 donation. All meetings are subject to the approval of the library director.

The meeting room is scheduled on a first come, first served basis.

Meeting room space is available during the library’s regular operating hours.  Meetings must end 15 minutes before closing.

Applications for the meeting room must be made on the library forms provided during the library’s normal operating hours at least one week in advance of the event date.  The applicant must be over 18 years of age.

Individuals or groups who schedule our meeting room on a regular basis may book the meeting room for up to 6 months in advance.  Reapplication is required after 6 months. 48 hours advance notice is required for cancellations.

Priority is given to library sponsored programs.  The library reserves the right to change or cancel reservations that conflict with library programs and events.

The use of the library meeting room may be prohibited or terminated at any time if the activity or conduct planned or occurring in the facility is, or is deemed to be, disruptive, or interferes with library patron use of library facilities for library purposes, or is disruptive, or interferes with library staff in their service to patrons.  The privilege of using the library meeting room will not be granted or will be revoked if the activities or intended activities of the meeting room users negatively impact normal operations in the following ways:

  • The meeting is conducted in a noisy, disorderly or inflammatory manner
  • The size of the meeting presents personal safety or building security issues, or creates an undue parking demand in the library parking lot and surrounding neighborhood
  • The activities of meeting room users disrupt or will be disruptive to other library patrons’ use of library facilities, or distract or will be distracting to library staff in the performance of their duties
  • The meeting room users neglect to pay all required fees, or neglect to pay for damages to the meeting room
  • The meeting room users neglect to leave the room in the condition in which it was found
  • There is a violation of library policy
  • A group fails to show up for a scheduled meeting without prior notification

By signing the meeting room application, the individual or organization and its authorized representative agree to pay for any damages to library property; the library board and the director will access the actual dollar cost of the damage for replacement or repair and the individual or organization and its authorized representative will be responsible for that dollar amount.  Should the applicant fail to pay the Whiting Public Library the established repair/replacement cost for damaged property and the library must resort to the court to collect any debt owed, the applicant shall be responsible for attorney fees and court costs.  The individual or organization and its authorized representative shall be responsible for seeing that the room is returned to its original condition.  A $25 dollar fee will be assessed to all groups and organizations using the meeting room should staff cleanup be required.  Any violation of the above rules or abuse of the facilities shall be sufficient cause to deny further use of the meeting room.

The library should be notified at the time of the application the type of meeting room setup required ex. audience style, tables and chairs etc.  Every effort will be made by library staff to see that the appropriate seating arrangements are made prior to the event.  However, occasionally, due to unforeseen circumstances, the group or organization may be required to set up for their event.

The use of kitchen facilities must be scheduled prior to the event.  Light refreshments and nonalcoholic beverages are permitted.  The group must furnish their own supplies.  ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ARE PROHIBITED.  SMOKING IS PROHIBITED IN THE MEETING ROOM AND THROUGHOUT THE BUILDING.

The use of library equipment needed for the event must be noted on the application.

  • Coffee urn
  • 35mm slide projector
  • overhead projector
  • motion picture screen
  • TV monitor with VCR
  • lectern with microphone
  • blackboard
  • kitchenette with sink
  • microwave oven, table and other amenities
  • laptop with digital projector

Organizations or individuals using the meeting room shall indemnify and hold harmless the Whiting Public Library and its officers, directors, agents, and employees from and against all losses, damages, claims, costs and expenses arising from injury or death of any person(s), or damage to property resulting from any act or omission of such users or their employees, agents, representatives, guests, invitees, or the general public to the extent that such losses, damages, claims, costs, and expenses arise in connection with or relate to the organization’s or individual’s use of the facility.

Meeting Room Application

1735 Oliver Street
Whiting, Indiana 46394
Phone: 219-659-0269
Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri & Sat 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Tuesday 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Closed on Sundays