If the Whiting Public Library, or Evergreen Indiana member libraries don’t have a particular item in our collection, we may be able to get it from a library that does. We call these types of transactions Interlibrary Loans or ILLs. Reciprocal Borrowers (anyone with a blue card) may request print materials through an Interlibrary Loan request if the required title is unavailable at the Whiting Public library .
To submit an ILL request, you can use the ILL form. You may also call the library at (219) 659-0269 x110 or stop in to place your request. You will need to provide at least the title and author of the item you’re looking for—the more information, the better. You will also need a WPL library card that is in good standing.
We always check Indiana libraries for the item first, but sometimes, going beyond state borders is the only way we can get some items. However, there is no charge for ILL items that we get from in-state libraries. If we need to get an item from out-of-state, there is a $2 shipping charge. We will contact you before requesting a book from another state to see if you would like to proceed.
Sometimes, we may not be able to find the item at a library (either in-state or nationwide). We will let you know as soon as we find out if this is the case.
Once the item has been requested we simply wait until it comes in. On average, an item will arrive in 10 days or so. However, occasionally a request can take a month or longer to come in, especially if it’s coming from out-of-state. Be sure to take this potential timeframe into account when requesting items via ILL.
When the item comes in, we will contact you to let you know it’s here. If we had to get the item from out-of-state, you pay the $2 fee when you come to check it out. Each lending library sets its own due dates for its items, so the date your ILL item must be returned to us may be different from the standard three-week checkout.