*Children left at the library after closing
Every effort should be made to contact a parent or relative beginning no later than 7:30 P.M. Monday through Thursday and no later than 4:30 P.M. Friday and Saturday if there is a small child in the library who is incapable of going home on his/her own (ex: he/she was told to wait at the library after school for a parent or guardian to pick him/her up; he/she was dropped off by an adult or older sibling and told to wait to be picked up; the child is unfamiliar with traveling between his/her home and the library; the child is frightened or agitated ). If, after all attempts at contacting the child’s parents or guardian have failed, the supervisor will remain with the child in the building for 15 minutes after closing. At that point, if an adult or older sibling has not come for the child, Child Protective Services will be called: 1-800-800-5556. It will be reported that a child has been abandoned at the library. A representative from CPS will contact the police, file a report, and an officer will be dispatched to pick up the child. The supervisor will remain in the building with the child until the officer arrives. Every effort will be made to reassure the child and avoid negative conversation in the child’s presence. The supervisor will then complete a library incident report to be filed with the director.
Under no circumstances will a staff member leave the library premises with the child.
*Amended and approved by the Board of Trustees 10/9/12